The Health Benefits of Tea + 15 Teas for Any Ailment

Have you noticed the rise in popularity of tea drinking where you live? Tea shops are popping up as often as coffee houses! Beyond just the charm of drinking tea, science supports the health benefits of tea. Tea is wonderful for you! Black, green, oolong, herbal, white – there are so many choices. Let’s discuss the benefits of each type of tea and when to drink them.

Drinking teas is a wonderful way to support the body through detoxification. You can make tea hot or cold and squeeze in the juice of an astringent fruit such as grapefruit, lemon or lime to refresh and revitalize your cells. You can also make a combination of any two or three teas below. To make any medicinal tea, let steep for at least 5-10 minutes, and then consume or make into iced tea.

Find Complete The Health Benefits of Tea + 15 Teas for Any Ailment HERE

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